We can help YOU control your emotions.
We specialize in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT). Group and individual therapy are provided via Online Therapy (zoom) as well as in person in Madison, WI.
We provide an Adherent DBT program that includes individual therapy, DBT Skills training Group (3 modules including Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance and Interpersonal Effectiveness with 2 weeks of Mindfulness in each module, 8 weeks each module) and phone coaching outside of session. Next group beginning 9/11/24. The overarching goal of DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (and our goal) is to help you find a life worth living. We will provide the tools to decrease feelings of hopelessness, overwhelmingness and increase the ability create positive emotions and sense of self worth and self compassion. Contact below to schedule an intake.
Shaina Gordon, LCSW now offers Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT) which targets those who struggle with over control. RO-DBT is well suited for those with rigid thinking patterns, aloof and distant communication, isolation, chronic depression and treatment resistant anxiety. RO-DBT treatment involves both individual treatment sessions and skills training classes.
Who Is RO DBT For?
Are you the sort of person who is some of the following: dutiful, avoids risk and novelty, plans ahead, struggles to really connect with others, follow rules, feels unappreciated, struggles to relax and be playful?
Would you like help to learn how to be more:
Receptive and Open
Socially Connected
Would this make it easier to meet your goals in life? If so, this treatment might be right for you. Now offering a RO-DBT skills class every Monday at 6pm EST. Clients are welcomed to join at any time (rolling admission). Inquire within for more details.
To learn more about RO DBT, and read about the extensive research that has and is being conducted worldwide on the benefits of RO DBT, please visit www.radicallyopen.net and www.rodbtnorthwest.com.
If you are interested in feeling more in control of your emotions, having happy, healthy relationships
and able to tolerate stress as it comes (rather than pushing it away) then contact us today! Don’t let all the details and components of DBT overwhelm you. Just take a breath and begin by giving us a call or requesting a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.
Shaina Gordon
Behavioral Health Therapist, LCSW